Thursday, April 16, 2015

Peace, Happiness & Morning Rituals

Hello beautiful people,
I woke up today with a very peaceful spirit. I did my morning rituals, and headed off to work filled with so much happiness. Today I wanted to discuss the topic of morning rituals. The term rituals might sound a little scary, but all it means is to perform a certain practice everyday. Almost every successful person has a ritual that they perform everyday. Your rituals becomes your habit which in turn is expressed throughout your day to day activities and in your life. When you adopt positive habits it empowers you to perform at your full potential. That positive force is what will lead you to your definition of success. 

My rituals that I practice every morning are:
1. Meditation
2. Write and Recite my affirmations
3. Write down my most important tasks for the day
4. Light exercise
5. Drink a cup of water with lemon
6. Listen to positive uplifting music

Rituals are necessary. If you feel like you do not have a ritual that is empowering, it is never to late to create ones. One of the most effective way in changing your pattern is through practicing and maintaining daily rituals. A great resource that will help you create and maintain positive rituals is the Sheek and Successful Path to Success Planner. It has a lot of cool tips, and prompts that will get you going and keep you on track.

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